3v3 Basketball - Boys
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3v3 Basketball - Boys
3v3-6th Grade
Holy Family - Stow (Riley)
Holy Trinity - Avon (DeGrandis)
Notre Dame Elementary (Keeney)
Notre Dame Elementary (Soehnlein)
3v3-7th Grade
Holy Trinity - Avon (Bykowski)
St. Paschal Baylon (Walter)
St. Peter - N Ridgeville (Jorgenson)
St. Rita (Francis)
Sts. Joseph and John (Shudy)
3v3-8th Grade
Holy Name - Cleveland (Young)
Holy Trinity - Avon (Daher)
Our Lady of Mt Carmel - Cleveland (Erikson)
St. Peter - N Ridgeville (Masaveg)
St. Rita (Silversten)
St. Sebastian - Akron (Avalos)