91040001 | 12/7/2024 | 2:00 PM | Sat | Holy Family-Stow / Holy Family-Stow Gym | St. Barnabas (Grodell) | 13 | St. Patrick - Kent (Fox) | 28 |
91040005 | 12/15/2024 | 4:00 PM | Sun | St. Rita-Solon / St. Rita Gym | Gesu (Steiner) | 22 | St. Barnabas (Grodell) | 0 |
91040010 | 1/5/2025 | 2:00 PM | Sun | St. Barnabas-Northfield / St. Barnabas-Gym | St. John Vianney (Gamiere) | 30 | St. Barnabas (Grodell) | 4 |
91040015 | 1/12/2025 | 2:00 PM | Sun | St. Barnabas-Northfield / St. Barnabas-Gym | St. Francis de Sales - Akron (Howe) | 39 | St. Barnabas (Grodell) | 6 |
91040018 | 1/19/2025 | 1:30 PM | Sun | Hoban High School-Akron / Hoban Court 2 | St. Barnabas (Grodell) | 1 | St. Vincent de Paul - Akron (Kerrigan) | 34 |
91040025 | 1/25/2025 | 11:00 AM | Sat | St. Barnabas-Northfield / St. Barnabas-Gym | Gesu (Steiner) | 18 | St. Barnabas (Grodell) | 10 |
91040020 | 1/26/2025 | 6:00 AM | Sun | To Be Announced / TBA #9 | St. Barnabas (Grodell) | Forfeit | Communion of Saints (Weems) | Win |
91040024 | 2/2/2025 | 3:30 PM | Sun | Hoban High School-Akron / Hoban Court 2 | St. Barnabas (Grodell) | Cancelled | St. Patrick - Kent (Fox) | Cancelled |